JUNE: Recipe challenge!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The result of being single on Valentine's Day

So last Valentine's Day I was walking through the bookstore (probably to buy one of those delicious cookies from the candy corner) and couldn't help but notice this book of a compilation of BYU Speeches about love/relationships/marriage. Granted, I was single (and not actually feeling particularly bitter) but I could use all the help I could get. And I was wearing pink. And I do love love. So I cracked open the book and, a couple hours later, left having read the entire book. I don't think buying the book is necessary because you can look them all up on the BYU speeches page. These talks have helped me a ton in the past few months and in general; I find them to be really helpful in building and maintaining good relationships. Here is a list of the talks:

"And the Greatest of These Is Love"
"How Do I Love Thee?"
Celestial Marriage
Hanging Out, Hooking Up, and Celestial Marriage
Marriage and Divorce
Ten Keys to Successful Dating and Marriage Relationships

Another good talk (per Angela's request) is one about seeking Christ daily. You can download a free pdf to it here.


  1. Rufus kind of took this post the wrong way (the whole love part...he thinks you're referring to him), but I really liked it. I'll have to check out those talks. Here's another REALLY good one that I've read multiple times:

    "Agency and Love" by E. Robbins of the Quorum of the 70:


  2. um, if I could "like" this comment, I totally would.

  3. Love it! Thanks for these marriage / relationship boosters.
