JUNE: Recipe challenge!

Monday, July 11, 2011

nothing like real ART to make you feel fancy

(side note: I just picked what I thought was a food crusty off my neck and it was a massive beetle! GROSS).

I met Crystal Despain when I worked in Rocky Mountain. She was this fabulous artist with 4 adorable boys and I recently found out that she started a website offering free art for the entire year (one each week for 52 weeks). This is how you enter: send her an email with a picture you have taken (or someone you know has) of something you love. Tell the story behind the photo and if she likes it, she'll paint it. At the end of the year she'll display them all with the story beside each one and then send it to you-- all for FREE (I think you have to pay for shipping).

Art is classy. Real art is priceless. Literally-- this real art has no price. If you're interested check out:


  1. Wow -- that is really amazing art! I love it! Will she send you the painting she did of your photo or a photocopy of her descriptions or art? She is so talented! Angela, I think you shoudl do the same thing!

  2. I love her style! You should totally send her one of you and L to paint! And yes, I agree with Sarah, you should get in on this yourself!
