JUNE: Recipe challenge!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mom 2012 Goal

Ok, so my goal for 2012 is to become known as "The Great Communicator". Don't everybody laught all at once, please. Details include - not interrupting, gentle not intense (intense meaning over bearing or too opinionated), listening more, (telling less), keeping my volumne turned down, not giving my opinion too readily (wait to be asked), being kind in tone and message.

Ok, so it took me 60 years to stop picking my fingernails. We'll see how long this takes me.


  1. Hahaha. Never too late, Mom. Never too late.

  2. Mom, I love this! And I love that you posted something! Don't get rid of all of your intensity cause I love that about you!

  3. Mom, I hope you realize that is like six goals in one. It's a great goal, but it's a whopper. Good luck on it! I'm sure you'll have success - especially if your fabulous phone voice is any indication. Way to go!

  4. since when did you stop picking your fingernails???!!!!

  5. Anytime you want to practice, give me a call =)
